Could not sleep in a foreign bed :)
Got the same driver to bring us around today for RMB50 - Was a steal!
We are going to their famous "Xi Dao" to try scuba-diving :)

The driver will picked us up at 10.30am.
So after breakfast, we still had time to venture around the hotel and beach area.

We reached Xidao by speedboat.
Paid entrance fees of RMB260 for 2pax.
It is like tioman island, clearer water than Sanya beach area.
We decided to try scuba-diving.
Was apprehensive at first, but eventually still tried.
Cost RMB1160 for 2 pax.
Paid another RMB20 for locker and RMB20 for new mouthpiece for diving.
Had a mere 5-30 seconds briefing and we went off...
Another money-making for them.
We paid RMB700 for 6 photos and 20 mins video taken of us :)
The water was not as clear as Tioman, so a little disappointed.

The shower facilies were very lousy.
And had to pay RMB30 to get 2 small towel and 2 small packet of shampoo/shower gel.
The shower room was like our public toilet with no door.
And the most ironic thing was I heard some other chinese from other parts like Shanghai/Beijing talking bad about them.

He said it looked ugly and do not like it.
I decided not to draw one :)

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